
Research Assistant

Year 2019 - Year 2021

Following my internship at Julius Kühn Institute, I was offered to work on another project, "Rain- resistant delivery technology to protect the vine from spotted wing Drosophila (Drosophila suzukii)". The aim of the project was to validate the use of GreenGel (a biopesticide) as a rain-resistant delivery technology for the effective control of grapevine pests with reduced use of pesticides. Therefore, we designed a laboratory experiment to investigate the relationship between the degree of wetting of the berry and the walking activity of the animals in order to achieve an optimal insecticidal effect on the adult flies.

After working there almost one year I shifted to the university (University of Koblenz-Landau). Currently I am working with a PhD student under the project, "SystemLink". I am mainly handling the rearing of Chironomus spp. as well as helping with the chronic experiment of adaptation of Chironomus spp. to anthropogenic stress.


Year 2019

From June 2019 to July 2019, I got an opportunity to conduct my internship at Julius Kühn Institute, Siebeldingen. Here, I assisted a Ph.D. student in her research work, which was to investigate the effect of different mixture of plant protection products on sacle insect (Pseudococcus viburni), a vector of virus transmitting disease in the vineyard and their natural enemy (Acerophagus maculipennis). I was responsible for the experimental setup, handling of test organisms and collection of data. Additionally, I was also involved with other projects, such as rearing of Eupoecilia ambiguella and Lobesia botrana, insect segregation (primarily spider) collected from pitfall traps, mating behavior of Eupoecilia ambiguella, DNA extraction, and PCR.

Assistant Consultant (Environment), EQMS Consulting Limited

Year 2018

The year following my graduation, I took an Assistant Consultant (Environment) position at EQMS Consulting Limited and worked there for six months (April, 2018 - September, 2018). This unique position included diverse tasks from scientific monitoring to program management.

Research Assistant

Year 2015 - Year 2017

Beside my coursework in the Master's program at University of Dhaka, I assisted Prof. Dr. Sirajul Hoque in his collaborative research work. My responsibilities included, elemental analysis of soil nutrients by conventional techniques and analyzing the data.